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Online Anxiety Store Full of Natural Relief, Healing, Hope and Health

Chantal McCulligh | 24 October, 2018

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Everyone needs an online anxiety store to go to where they can find various forms of natural relief. However, when we tried finding one, we couldn't! Sure, there are plenty of online anxiety stores that claim to be just that but nothing really suited our idea of what an online anxiety store should provide. So, we created one!

What is The Anxiety Gone Online Anxiety Store?

Our online anxiety store is exactly what it sounds like. We fill our online store with various types of natural anxiety relief, healing crystals for anxiety, aromatherapy for anxiety, self-help books for anxiety, children fidget and sensory toys - you name it. Most of the items that come in our anxiety subscription box can be found in our anxiety store after the season has passed and of course, we add news products that don't come in our boxes as well. 

What's in the Anxiety Store?

As mentioned, we are constantly adding new products to our online anxiety store. As of right now, we have the following anxiety product categories available and ready for you to shop:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Mental Health Awareness Tees
  • Sensory Toys
  • Kids Kollection
  • Self-Help Books
  • Inspirational Home and Garden 
  • Sleep Aid
  • Mental Health Jewelry
  • Previous Subscription Bpxes

What Type of Natural Anxiety Relief is in the Anxiety Store?

Great question! Our online anxiety store has a wide range of natural anxiety relief, aromatherapy for anxiety, jewelry for awareness, jewelry for essential oils, you name it. We are always updating the list of anxiety products but for now, here are the type of things you'll find in our online store for anxiety:

  • Aromatherapy Jewelry
  • Aromatherapy Sprays
  • Essential Oils
  • Inspirational Toys for Kids
  • Self-Help Books for Anxiety Sufferers
  • Parenting Self-Help Books
  • Mental Health Awareness Clothes
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Inspirational Stones
  • River Stones
  • Worry Stones
  • Tumble Stones
  • Lavender Sachets
  • Essential Oil Rollers
  • Aroma Incense

... And that's only to name a few. 


We hope to grow our online anxiety store so much that we are able to open a retail location that serves as an anxiety shop as well as a calming, comfortable place to hang out and connect with others, read self-help books and more. But that's a ways down the road. For now, we are just online. So, shop away and if you'd like to add some anxiety products to our collection or wish we offered something that currently is unavailable, let us know!